After your exhibition closes, you will now need to take down all the artwork, make good the venue, and return the artwork.
Takedown is usually far quicker and simpler than the installation but there are still considerations you need to take.
If you labelled all of the packaging when you unwrapped the work, you should easily be able to match it up with the correct artwork.
Take pictures of the work before you wrap it so you can prove it left you in good condition, these images can be added to your condition report along with any changes that may have occurred to the piece. You may have changed the fixing used for hanging, for example.


Once the work is all wrapped up you need make good the venue. This means you need to return it in the condition that you found it.
You need to take any screws and other fixings out of the walls. You’ll then need to use Polyfilla to fill the holes. Let it dry, sand it back and then you can get on with painting the walls. If the screws aren’t bent or damaged, keep them to use again.
With any rubbish that you have left over, this might be leftover bubble wrap or empty paint containers, first think if you can reuse them. If not, research to see if you can recycle that item. For example, some paint companies will accept clean empty containers and recycle them for you.
And that is the end of your exhibition. How did you find it? Make sure to reflect on the experience - was there anything that didn't run smoothly and can you identify why? What worked really well that you will do in the future?
If you worked with other artists, can you ask them for some feedback? Really take time to think about the whole journey so that you're ready to take on your next exhibition.